Web 2.0 / Multimedia

What's New in Web Development

Web sites and their functionality have changed dramatically over the past few years. What was once a static marketing interface is now a fully interactive and much more usable tool. Not long ago, if you needed a program to process some internal data, you would have a programmer develop that for you or purchase some software off-the-shelf. Both of these paths were often quite expensive and would be relegated to a certain fixed number of users or computers.

Today, web sites can handle most every task a business needs and because of the ubiquitous nature of the web, can be accessed from anywhere. Spreadsheets, word processing, presentations, etc can all be easily used on the web. Google Docs is a perfect example of a basic office suite of software available to use from anywhere on the web.

GetAGeek embraces this trend and can provide custom programming or backend data work using these web technologies. Capturing user data, interaction with branch offices, secure enterprise data sharing are now available to all organizations.

In addition, because of the spread of broadband internet, multimedia is now an important part of the web as the delivery of the content is no longer contrained by the limitations of older connections. Multimedia can be a great way to enhance your presence on the internet from a marketing perspective. The opportunities don't end there however. Many organizations are leveraging this media for internal videos and training. Some are using it to explain process to their prospects and clients.

GetAGeek has experience with mixed-media web development with audio, video, and interactive animation that engage an audience. Multimedia can really make an organization stand out while putting forth a more tech-savvy image.

Contact us to discuss how new web technologies and multimedia might be a good fit for your organizations.